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Individual Therapy

Updated: May 2, 2020

We all need love and to be loved. When a person's ability to love is compromised, psychological problems arise.

Our relationship to others is rooted in our relationship with ourselves and our experiences in childhood. Past traumas affect every aspect of our lives. Individual therapy helps uncover the underlying reasons to our pains and helps us finds ways to change the patterns.

“Therapy helps clients to connect with painful entrenched emotions that have stopped them from changing these patterns.”

There is more to individual therapy than having someone listen to you. I will provide you with some clear feedback and together we will design a plan for tackling your difficulties. While you might be aware of your own self-defeating patterns, breaking free of them requires more. I can help you connect with emotions that have previously inhibited your growth. You will discover that your demons stop chasing you because now you are chasing them! At that point, real change and emotional freedom becomes possible.

 Most people are aware of their own self-defeating patterns but feel unable to escape them. Therapy helps clients to connect with painful, entrenched emotions that have stopped them from changing these patterns. At that point, real change becomes possible. The truth is that psychological ailments don't develop in a vacuum. Human beings are social animals who need nurture, protection, comfort and acceptance. In other words, we all need to love and be loved. When a person's ability to love is compromised, psychological problems arise.

My approach is pretty eclectic. I pull a little from several other theories. Sometimes I go back into childhood, just touch on that some, to see the relevance it has today. Mostly, relationships we’re in today have some connection with our past.

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